We prefer electronic submissions.  Please send us your submission as an attachment to an e-mail addressed to:

All articles published in TPR include author's affiliation

Please remember that we are a peer-reviewed journal.  At times, this can slow down the “decision making” process, as we must hear back from our experts in the field before we can advise the author of acceptance, rejection, or acceptance upon revision of his or her article.  Not only is peer review an important aspect of academic integrity in publishing, but it is also a sine qua non for a multi-disciplinary journal such as ours.

As far as formatting your article is concerned, please submit in Microsoft Word.  Please note that we much prefer the .doc format to .docx. 

All our texts are printed in English.  It is important for non-English speakers to have their work translated by a native speaker, or at least read through and corrected by a native speaker, before submission.  At times, we may invite a submission in Polish or in another foreign language.  In such cases, a decision is passed on publication after a review in the original language, and THEN the author is requested to have the article translated into English.  Unfortunately, we are not in the position to pay authors for their work; we do not translate in-house, and we are unable to subvent translation costs.  All costs of translation into English are borne by the author.

The Polish Review Stylesheet